awman thats cool
nice speciel effects u've got there. make him fight Demon circle or devil sphere or something lol
awman thats cool
nice speciel effects u've got there. make him fight Demon circle or devil sphere or something lol
really quite good but the talking part i dont understand one bit... and try to make it longer or complete it b4 submiting
that was cool
and i actually think that a reverse goatie is pretty cool
Great! man...
nice one but i think you interpreted the song wrongly, when he said "we"
, I think he meant THEM and not US. so in fact he is trying to say that we(us) actually dont decide but its we(them) who decides. i'm not sure but i think he is decribing how nowadays advertising and stereotyping and stuff are corrupting our minds and munipulating it. If that makes any sense... i might be wrong
dont worry thou i didnt rate ur anim based on that.
Actually what he is trying to say is that we are in control of our own destiny. That just because everyone else agrees on a reality, doesn't mean it applies to you. You are in control. The choices you choose to make are what shape your life, not the choices foisted on you by others.
Take a listen to his manifesto here and you will understand a little better.
Thanks for the view and review!
me likey
i liked it... i dun get it but the feel of the whole thing is cool
that was epic
i liked it... you've really improved. ^_^ and er.. nice preloader
That's why I love ya Ogiyose, you read my author's comments ^_^
it's not that gd... one simple thing yo could od to make it pretty good is to speed things up, it was sow motion all the way -__-... i know animating fight scenes is hard but yea... you cant save up on effort by making the putting more frames in each tween scene.
In front of my laptop...
Joined on 3/25/08